Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Does anyone have information about the flower, "white oleander"?

I am taking a comprehensive exam for my master's degree in counseling and I needed to watch the movie, "White Oleander". I would like some information about the flower because the mother used the flower to kill her boyfriend.

If anyone has seen the movie and would like to share information on that, you may do so as well.

Does anyone have information about the flower, "white oleander"?
Oleander is a southern flower-- lots planted in beach areas because they are pretty and will screen. However, the nice straight branches are favored by the uninformed-- to cook hot dogs on-- and yes-- they ARE poison-- or at least the sap is!-- I don't know the symptoms but a google medical search might be enlightening.

good luck--

PS After the comps-- don't expect bells to ring or buzzers to buzz-- I was certainly disappointed!! Not a HOORAY! in the bunch-- just a -- OK-- you may go. I had to ask if I'd passed!
Reply:Oleander (Nerium oleander) is in the family apocynaceae. The flowers can be white, various shades of pink, or reddish in color and are poisonous. The entire plant is poisonous. It exudes a white, milky sap which can cause skin irritation and can make you really sick or can lead to death if ingested.

The toxin is a Cardenolide Glycoside, which affects functions of the heart. It interferes with the sodium/potassium pump. It can be fatal. I read on the NCBI website that it took 3 hours to kill a dog that was injected with 40mg of oleander extract.
Reply:Try Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleander. It has links to other references as well.
Reply:An oleander basically is a poisonous evergreen bush. The white's just the colour of the flower on the bush. There's red too.

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