Monday, May 11, 2009

I have these little white star flowers by my front door that attract a lot of flies. What are they?

Snap off a few of the stalks and see if they smell like onion. If so, they are chives.

I have these little white star flowers by my front door that attract a lot of flies. What are they?
i haven't a clue...
Reply:It could be Chilean jasmine, or night-blooming jessamine.

I sincerely hope this helps.

Reply:The entire rue family attracts flies like crazy...but I dont know of one that is white.

Take a clipping to a local garden independent one, not a large chain.....those guys always know that sort of thing.....
Reply:If the flower looks almost as if it's spinning and at the base kinda starts out in a bell shape, it's proably a jasmine.

Especially if it is fragrant. There is a common jasmine called "Star Jasmine". In warmer areas of the US, it is used as a common landscape plant. flowers are also white.

Personally, I think they stink.

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